General information#

REST API versions#

Currently, the following versions of the REST API are available in Blitz Identity Provider, which differ in the authorization method:


Services of versions v1 and v2 after the appearance of analogues in the newer v3 will be marked as obsolete, and it will be recommended to switch from their use to services v3.

  • v1 – REST services available at the following addresses:



    HTTP Basic authorization is used to authorize calls to these services. For an application that will call REST services, you must set a password in the application settings on the REST tab of the application protocol settings. All v1 REST services will be available to the application.


    If you do not plan to use any of the services, disable their call through the web server settings (nginx).

  • v2 – REST services available at HTTP Basic authorization is used to authorize calls to most of these services, and OAuth 2.0 is used for some services.

  • v3 – REST services available at Oath 2.0 and security tokens received from Blitz Identity Provider are used to authorize calls to these services. Applications` access to various REST services is regulated through permissions (scope).

REST API access modes#

Provided by Blitz Identity Provider services can be called in two modes:

  • user mode,

  • system mode.

User access mode#

In user mode, the service is called with rights in relation to the account of the currently authorized user. When calling the service, the following headers must be passed:

  • Authorization: Bearer <access token with user permissions> – authorization header containing an access token with permissions of the of the current user.

  • X-Forwarded-For: <user IP address> is the header in which the value of the user’s IP address should be transmitted. This value will be recorded in the security event Blitz Identity Provider.

  • User-Agent: <User-Agent value> is the header in which the value User-Agent of the user’s device should be passed. This value will be recorded in the Blitz Identity Provider security event.

Possible user permissions

Changing the password


To use the POST /blitz/api/v2/users/{subjectId}/password service.

Account rights management


To use the services:

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/rights/of/{subjectId},

  • POST /blitz/api/v2/users/rights/change.

Getting attributes


To use the GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId} service.

Changing attributes


To use the POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{instanceId} service.

Getting two-factor authentication settings, permissions, security question


To use the services:

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/auth,

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/totps,

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/acls,

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/secQsn,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/secQsn /check.

Changing the password, resetting sessions, changing the security question, two-factor authentication settings, revoking permissions


To use the services:

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{instanceId}/pswd,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{instanceId}/sessions/reset,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{instanceId}/secQsn,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/auth,

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/totps /attach/qr,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId /totps /attach/qr,

  • DELETE /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId} /secQsn,

  • DELETE /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId} /totps/{id},

  • DELETE /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId} /acls/{id}.

Getting memorized devices


To use the GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/apps service.

Deleting memorized devices


To use the DELETE /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/apps/{id} service.

Getting security events


To use the GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/audit service.

Getting a list of external provider accounts


To use the GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/fa service.

Changing the list of external provider accounts


To use the services:

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{subject Id}/fa/{fpType}/{fpName}/{sid},

  • DELETE /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/fa/{fpType}/{fpName}/{sid}.

Login using a QR code


To use the services:

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/auth/qr/{QR_code},

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/auth/qr/{QR_code}/confirm,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/auth/qr/{QR_code}/refuse.

The application receives an access token for user permissions at the time of user identification and authentication.


The identification and authentication mechanisms are described in the sections:

System access mode#

This section provides a list of permissions that an application can get to access the REST API.

Possible system permissions (permissions granted to the application)

Access to services for working with organizations


To use the services:

  • GET /blitz/api/v2/grps/{id},

  • POST /blitz/api/v2/grps,

  • POST /blitz/api/v2/grps/{id}?profile={profile},

  • DELETE /blitz/api/v2/grps/{id}?profile={profile},

  • GET /blitz/api/v2/grps/{id}/members,

  • POST /blitz/api/v2/grps/{id}/members/add?profile={profile},

  • POST /blitz/api/v2/grps/{id}/members/rm?profile={profile}.

Assigning and revoking access rights


To use the services:

  • PUT /blitz/api/v3/rights,

  • DELETE /blitz/api/v3/rights,

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/rights/on,

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/rights/of.

Revocation of access rights for slave accounts


To use the POST /blitz/api/v2/users/rights/change service.

Getting attributes of any user


To use the GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId} service.

Changing attributes of any user


To use the POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{instanceId} service.

Registration of user account


To use the PUT /blitz/api/v3/users service.

Getting two-factor authentication settings, permissions of any user, security question


To use the services:

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/auth,

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/totps,

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/acls,

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/state,

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/secQsn,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/secQsn/check.

Changing the password, two-factor authentication settings and security question, resetting sessions, revoking permissions of any user


To use the services:

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{instanceId}/pswd,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{instanceId}/sessions/reset,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/auth,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/state,

  • GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/totps/attach/qr,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/totps/attach/qr,

  • POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/secQsn,

  • DELETE /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/totps/{id},

  • DELETE /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/acls/{id},

  • DELETE /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/secQsn.

Getting any user’s devices


To use the GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/apps service.

Deleting any user’s devices


To use the DELETE /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/apps/{id} service.

Getting security events for any user


To use the GET /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/audit service.

Getting a list of external provider accounts


To use the POST /blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/fa/{fpType}/{fpName}/{sid} service.

Changing the list of external provider accounts


To use the DELETE blitz/api/v3/users/{subjectId}/fa/{fpType}/{fpName}/{sid} service.

Obtaining an access token issued by any external identity provider


You can configure Blitz Identity Provider to store user access tokens issued by external identity providers. This permission allows you to retrieve a stored access token issued by any provider.

To use the GET /blitz/api/v3/users/${subjectId}/fedToken/${fedPointType}/${fedPointName} service.

Obtaining an access token issued by a specific external provider


You can configure Blitz Identity Provider to store user access tokens issued by external identity providers. This permission allows you to retrieve a stored access token issued by a provider with the ${fedPointType} type and ${fedPointName} name.

To use the GET /blitz/api/v3/users/${subjectId}/fedToken/${fedPointType}/${fedPointName} service.

To get an access token for system permission, the application must make a request to get a token:

  • Request POST

  • The request must contain the header Authorization with the value``Basic {secret}``, where secret is client_id:client_secret (for example, app:topsecret) in Base64 format.

  • The request body must contain the following parameters:

    • grant_type – takes the value client_credentials;

    • scope is the requested system permission.

  • In response, the application will receive an access token access_token, its lifetime expires_in and the token type token_type.


    It is recommended that the application caches the received access token for repeated use for a time slightly less than the expires_in parameter, after which it receives a new access token for updating in the cache.

  • Possible errors when calling /oauth/te match RFC 6749 and are described here.


Authorization: Basic YWlzOm…XQ=
POST blitz/oauth/te HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic ZG5ld…lg


When trying to call a REST service with an expired access token to it: HTTP 401 Unauthorized.