Blitz Panel design and localization#

Appearance modification#

If necessary, you can change the appearance of the panel by making changes to the files in the /usr/share/identityblitz/blitz-panel/static directory. You can customize the following elements:

  • favicon;

  • the index.html template;

  • CSS styles (.../resources/styles.css).

Adding a language#

To add a language, put the file with translated strings <two-letter language code>.json (for example, ar.json for Arabic) into the /usr/share/identityblitz/blitz-panel/static/resources/locales directory and restart the blitz-panel service.

sudo systemctl restart blitz-panel

The new language will appear in the language selection menu of Blitz Panel.


An application name and description seen on the panel are localized via the /etc/blitz-panel/app.conf file.