Installing the blitz-keeper service#


See the system requirements.

To install the blitz-keeper service, use the blitz-keeper-5.X.X.bin installer.

To install blitz-keeper, do the following:

  1. Copy the blitz-keeper-5.X.X.bin file from the Blitz Identity Provider distribution to any directory on the designated server (for example, /tmp).

  2. Run the blitz-keeper-5.X.X.bin installer:

    cd /tmp
    chmod +x blitz-keeper-5.X.X.bin

    In response to the installer’s questions, specify JAVA_HOME as the directory of the JDK installation on the server.

    Blitz Keeper will be installed in the /usr/share/identityblitz directory.

  3. Add the blitz-keeper service to autostart and launch it:

    systemctl enable blitz-keeper
    systemctl start blitz-keeper
  4. Adjust the balancing settings block in the nginx configuration file (directory /etc/nginx/conf.d):

    upstream blitz-keeper {
        server [BLITZ-KPR-NODE-01]:9012 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=120;
        server [BLITZ-KPR-NODE-02]:9012 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=120;


    [BLITZ-%%%-NODE-XX] – names (hostname) of the blitz-keeper servers.