Logging in with email#

Blitz Identity Provider allows logging in using email as the first authentication factor. In this case, for logging in a user is required to enter the code sent to their email address. To configure the method, follow the steps below.

Step 1. Add the method to blitz.conf#

To make the Authentication by email method appear on the First factor tab, do the following:

  1. Open the /usr/share/identityblitz/blitz-config/blitz.conf file.

    sudo vim /usr/share/identityblitz/blitz-config/blitz.conf
  2. In the first list of the blitz.prod.local.idp.login.factors settings block, add a new block with the email method:

    "login" : {
        "factors" : [
                    "enabled" : false,
                    "method" : "email"
  3. Restart the services.

    sudo systemctl restart blitz-idp blitz-console blitz-recovery

Step 2. Configure the method in the console#

In the admin console, do the following:

  1. On the Authentication by email tab, configure the following settings:

    • Method of account identification – specify a regular expression. For example, the email=${login} rule means that the value entered by a user in the login form will be matched with the email attribute.

    • Length of the confirmation code.

    • Code validity period.

    • Number of attempts per log-in to enter the confirmation code.

    • Total number of attempts (number of code sends and code entry attempts, after which this authentication method will be temporarily blocked for the user).

    • Blocking time when attempts are exceeded (in minutes).

    • Sending method: specify the attribute as an expression that indicates where a user’s email address is stored, for example, ${email}.

    • Set the attribute store selection rule to search for a user-entered email address.

  2. Enable the Authentication by email method on the Authentication -> First factor tab.

  3. Configure the Blitz Identity Provider connection to the SMTP service.