Customizing user services#

Blitz Identity Provider provides web applications, with its help users can perform a number of transactions on their own:

  1. Web application User profile. Allows you to perform a number of operations with your account, e.g. view/change your data, customize authentication methods, view recent events, change your password. If enabled, it is available at https://{hostname}/blitz/profile.

  2. Web application User registration. If enabled, you can switch from the login page to the self-registration form (link “Don’t have an account? Register).

  3. Web application Access recovery. Allows a user to change his/her account password after passing the checks. If enabled, users will be able to navigate from the login page (link :bdg-primary:“Forgot your password?`) to the Restore Access form.

Configure these services in the Self-service section of the admin console.


The administrator of the admin console must personally check if JS-scripts placed on the login page are correct and make sure that content of the registration page and user profile is free of vulnerabilities.